Anna Isabelle Morency Botello
Participe à l'activité : The Derby 2024


On May 16th, I will be competing to represent our company in The Derby by Let’s Bond.

Because we all know at least one person who suffers from anxiety, depression or any other mental health condition, small or large, I have decided to do my part and help advance the cause. All funds raised will go to Foundation Jeunes en Tete, Douglas Foundation and the UP House.

Please help me and my team to meet my goal by making a donation !

By donating to La Fondation Jeunes en Tete, you are also supporting the Solidaires programs in support of mental health across community organizations dedicated to all the youth of Quebec.

By donating to the Douglas Foundation, you are helping the Douglas Institute support its patients and their environment, and advancing the research in neuroscience and promoting mental illness awareness.

By donating to the UP House, you are helping the reintegration of mental health patients into the society and providing them opportunities to add value to their lives and others in their community.

Récolté : 3 435 $
Objectif : 1 000 $


On May 16th, I will be competing to represent our company in The Derby by Let’s Bond.

Because we all know at least one person who suffers from anxiety, depression or any other mental health condition, small or large, I have decided to do my part and help advance the cause. All funds raised will go to Foundation Jeunes en Tete, Douglas Foundation and the UP House.

Please help me and my team to meet my goal by making a donation !

By donating to La Fondation Jeunes en Tete, you are also supporting the Solidaires programs in support of mental health across community organizations dedicated to all the youth of Quebec.

By donating to the Douglas Foundation, you are helping the Douglas Institute support its patients and their environment, and advancing the research in neuroscience and promoting mental illness awareness.

By donating to the UP House, you are helping the reintegration of mental health patients into the society and providing them opportunities to add value to their lives and others in their community.

2024-05-22 100 $
Don privé*
2024-05-17 100 $
Don privé*
2024-05-16 250 $
Don anonyme


2024-05-16 50 $
Don privé*
2024-05-16 50 $
Don privé*

go Anna :)

2024-05-16 50 $
2024-05-16 30 $

Bravo pour ton engagement!

2024-05-16 50 $
Laurence & François
2024-05-16 50 $
Don privé*

Je te souhaite bcp de plaisir à travailler fort et à impressionner la galerie!

2024-05-16 100 $

To let’s bond!
Merci Anna de faire rayonner la cause avec tous les autres!

2024-05-15 25 $

Let's go!!

2024-05-15 50 $

Go go go

2024-05-15 150 $
Stef et Francis

Bravo pour ton engagement! Bonne chance demain

2024-05-15 50 $
2024-05-15 100 $
Avryl & Reine

Bravo pour ton implication dans cette cause tellement importante! Go team Denstays!!

2024-05-15 150 $

You're the best!

2024-05-13 50 $
Jocelyne Harden

Go go

2024-05-12 100 $
Richard Morency

Quelle belle implication bravo ma fille !!

2024-05-12 50 $
Laurence Smith-Lauzon

Bravo pour ton implication continue Anna! X

2024-05-12 100 $
Don privé*

With your love and commitment, you will succeed.

2024-05-12 75 $
Don privé*

Bravo Anna !

2024-05-12 30 $

Bravo Anna

2024-05-10 50 $
Susie & Shane

Way to go Anna! Great patience and persistence :)

2024-05-10 100 $
Proud Diamond

Bravo ma belle amie pour ton implication continuelle envers cette cause si importante

2024-05-09 100 $

Let’s go Anna ! :)

2024-05-07 50 $
William - ton filleul

Bravo pour ton implication xxx

2024-05-06 100 $
T Botello


2024-05-06 100 $
Don anonyme

Félicitations pour votre implication

2024-05-06 50 $
Don privé*
2024-05-03 75 $


2024-05-01 100 $
Emilie Fortin verreault

Go go go :)

2024-04-30 300 $
Steph & Simon

Go Go Go!!

2024-04-30 75 $

Bravo Anna! xxxxx

2024-04-30 100 $
Bruno Brassard
2024-04-30 100 $
Elizabeth Morency

Quel beau geste de ta part !

2024-04-30 25 $
Super Sonic Sonia

Go Anna you can do it !

2024-04-29 100 $
Dominic Bonin


2024-04-29 100 $
Connor Quinn

Way to go Anna!! Good luck!

2024-04-29 100 $
Sophie Savoy

Bonne chance Anna!

2024-04-29 50 $
Don privé*

Bonne chance mon amie!