Achieved : $14,050
Objective : $17,000
2024-05-17 $120
Les patients de la CMHD

Bravo Jinhee!!

2024-05-16 $100
Private donation*

well done sister

2024-05-16 $50

Très beau projet ! Bravo pour ton implication. :)

2024-05-16 $100
Gatineau family

C’est une initiative formidable! Bon courage!

2024-05-16 $200
Dan Peres

Great initiative! Bravo !

2024-05-14 $50
Tooth to tooth

Go Jinhee, I support you for this amazing mission

2024-05-14 $50
Anonym donation
2024-05-13 $250
Tekeste Gebremariam
2024-05-08 $750
Clinique dentaire sud ouest
2024-05-06 $400
Go Orthodontistes

Have a safe trip and fulfill your mission!

2024-05-06 $50
Jean-François Lortie

Je vous souhaite une excellente mission !

2024-05-05 $100
Marissa Valiante

So proud of you my friend. You never cease to amaze me with all your accomplishments.

2024-05-04 $100

I'm proud of you free, God bless you.

2024-05-03 $25

Bravo for taking action to help others.

2024-05-03 $25
Private donation*

Bon succès Free!

2024-05-02 $250
Michael Gebremariam
2024-05-02 $150
Tehlehaimanot Gebrremariam
2024-04-29 $300
Transforme Ortho

Transforme ortho wishes you luck on your trip Free! Your work is so inspiring…amazing initiative and cause!

2024-04-20 $100
Theodros Fisseha Wolde

በጣም የሚበረታታ ነገር ነው። አንድ ቀን ደግሞ አገረሽን በሞያሽ የምትጎበኚበት ጊዜ ያድርስሽ።
Thank you for being an example for the rest of us.

2024-04-20 $100
Atelier Smile

The greatest gift we can give one another is our time.

2024-04-19 $100
Hilina Hitimana Clinique Belle Heritage

All the best ladies!

2024-04-10 $800
Anonym donation

Good luck

2024-02-24 $50
Anonym donation

Good luck with everything

2024-02-23 $50
Accès Hygiène Dentaire

En donnant de notre temps et de nos compétences, nous devenons des agents de changement vers un monde où la santé bucco-dentaire n'est pas un luxe, mais un droit fondamental. Je t’appuie ma chère collègue et amie , et un jour on va le faire ensemble! ️ Karla

2024-02-23 $300
Ashley Sheu

Good luck Jinhee!

2024-02-23 $100

Bonne Chance !

2024-02-22 $100

Félicitations pour ce projet et pour ton engagement de façon générale. Bonne chance!

2024-02-22 $50
Private donation*

Je t'encourage dans ce beau projet !!! Tu vas adorer l'expérience

2024-02-13 $100

You are an inspiration to so many and I’m beyond proud of you my sister.

2024-02-10 $500
Andree Joffroy

Thank you for doing this. Be safe and God bless

2024-02-08 $50
Josef Gebremichel
2024-02-05 $25
Anonym donation

Go go go Frei

2024-02-04 $150
Private donation*

I love this initiative and I'm happy that I can support in a small way. God bless you!

2024-02-04 $100

So proud of you!

2024-02-04 $50
Nega Gebreselasie
2024-02-03 $200
Jean-Pierre Khalil

Hakuna Matata!

2024-02-03 $25
Anonym donation

Have fun

2024-01-30 $50

Good job free

2024-01-23 $250
Freweini Gebreamlack
2024-01-17 $50
Private donation*

Bravo! C'est un belle cause!

2024-01-10 $50
Manon Barbe

Nous arrivons de la Tanzanie, il y a de grands besoins, soyons généreux!

2024-01-09 $100
Private donation*

As you know I always admire you for your achievements in life now you’re taking it to another level Go Sister!!!

2024-01-09 $100
Anonym donation
2024-01-08 $100
Private donation*
2024-01-07 $100
Ruta Eyob
2024-01-07 $100
Private donation*

I’m proud of you for less privilege kids thank you for everything you do for everyone

2024-01-06 $50
Private donation*
2024-01-04 $50
Jon c


2024-01-04 $75
Private donation*

Congratulations again!!

2024-01-04 $100
Michelle Simoneau

You got this ! I

2024-01-03 $100
Anonym donation

Amazing initiative, Free!

2024-01-02 $100

I am very proud of your new plan to help the world disadvantage people

2023-12-29 $50
Jade Shin

Bravo et bon courage ~

2023-12-29 $100
Therese Ho

You are doing an amazing thing, Fre! You rock, girl!!

2023-12-28 $100
Ewa Radecka
2023-12-28 $100
Monica Retezar

You go girl!!!

2023-12-20 $75
Private donation*
2023-12-20 $100
Anonym donation

Good for you Free! Good luck!

2023-12-20 $300
Meja Yang

Go Jinhee!! Next time, let’s do it together :)

2023-12-19 $100
Private donation*

Good luck

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Bravo Free!!! I’m proud of you.

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Proud of you for giving back to the community in need!

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Good job girl! I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

2023-12-17 $25
Anonym donation
2023-12-16 $200

So proud of my little sis!!
God bless you

2023-12-16 $200

Jinhee, live the advanture!!
Of course, our crazy Jinhee!

2023-11-24 $50
Private donation*

Bon voyage!

2023-11-19 $50
Pat et Michel
2023-11-17 $50

Bravo Jhinee je suis fier de toi.

2023-11-05 $250

La Fédération des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec encourage les initiatives qui favorisent l'accès aux soins bucco-dentaires. Félicitations Jin-Hee pour ce projet

2023-10-22 $50
Jaewon Jung

Thank you

2023-10-22 $50
Seung Won Ahn


2023-10-22 $50
Youngseop Oh


2023-10-22 $50
Tessa Liu
2023-10-13 $100

Merci de faire partie de notre grande équipe et pour ton implication pour cette cause.

2023-10-06 $200

Bravo Jin-Hee!

2023-10-01 $50


2023-10-01 $50


2023-09-30 $500
Inchurl et Seungwon

Go Jinnie! :) Spread God’s love in Tanzania!

2023-09-29 $50
2023-09-26 $25
Private donation*

Nous sommes un peu jaloux, mais tellement contents pour toi, chère Jin-Hee. Nous souhaitons que cette expérience soit enrichissante et merveilleuse pour toi, tant sur le plan humain que professionnel. Bravo à toi!

2023-09-24 $25
Clinique Hygiène Dentaire Beloeil

Bravo! Je t’encourage!

2023-09-24 $50

Je te souhaite une très belle expérience!

2023-09-24 $50

Maman, yes u can do it. I am so proud of u ️

2023-09-17 $200

Bonne Chance et Bravo pour ta générosité!

2023-09-15 $1,000
Centre Dentaire Pierre St-Marseille Inc

Félicitations Jinhee pour ton implication!
Je suis fier de toi !

2023-09-14 $25
Suzanne Bonenfant


2023-09-13 $200

Bravo et merci, Jin-Hee! Tu es une inspiration.

2023-09-13 $1,000
Private donation*

Félicitation pour ton dévouement

2023-09-12 $100

We are proud of you Jinnie!!!

2023-09-11 $100
Mad Cow Stan Gow

Amazing opportunity for all of us to support you and this very worthy cause!!!

2023-09-10 $100
Martine et Danic

Quel beau projet!!

2023-09-10 $250

Bravo! Je suis de tout coeur avec toi!

2023-09-09 $30

Bravo maman, bonne chance maman I support u ️

2023-09-09 $25
Kathy Nguyen

Great cause

2023-09-09 $200
Sandy lapointe

Good luck and congratulations on such a wonderful adventure

2023-09-09 $50
2023-09-09 $25
Private donation*

Mandat en santé buccale-Hygiène dentaire

2024-05-17 $120
Les patients de la CMHD

Bravo Jinhee!!

2024-05-16 $100
Private donation*

well done sister

2024-05-16 $50

Très beau projet ! Bravo pour ton implication. :)

2024-05-16 $100
Gatineau family

C’est une initiative formidable! Bon courage!

2024-05-16 $200
Dan Peres

Great initiative! Bravo !

2024-05-14 $50
Tooth to tooth

Go Jinhee, I support you for this amazing mission

2024-05-14 $50
Anonym donation
2024-05-13 $250
Tekeste Gebremariam
2024-05-08 $750
Clinique dentaire sud ouest
2024-05-06 $400
Go Orthodontistes

Have a safe trip and fulfill your mission!

2024-05-06 $50
Jean-François Lortie

Je vous souhaite une excellente mission !

2024-05-05 $100
Marissa Valiante

So proud of you my friend. You never cease to amaze me with all your accomplishments.

2024-05-04 $100

I'm proud of you free, God bless you.

2024-05-03 $25

Bravo for taking action to help others.

2024-05-03 $25
Private donation*

Bon succès Free!

2024-05-02 $250
Michael Gebremariam
2024-05-02 $150
Tehlehaimanot Gebrremariam
2024-04-29 $300
Transforme Ortho

Transforme ortho wishes you luck on your trip Free! Your work is so inspiring…amazing initiative and cause!

2024-04-20 $100
Theodros Fisseha Wolde

በጣም የሚበረታታ ነገር ነው። አንድ ቀን ደግሞ አገረሽን በሞያሽ የምትጎበኚበት ጊዜ ያድርስሽ።
Thank you for being an example for the rest of us.

2024-04-20 $100
Atelier Smile

The greatest gift we can give one another is our time.

2024-04-19 $100
Hilina Hitimana Clinique Belle Heritage

All the best ladies!

2024-04-10 $800
Anonym donation

Good luck

2024-02-24 $50
Anonym donation

Good luck with everything

2024-02-23 $50
Accès Hygiène Dentaire

En donnant de notre temps et de nos compétences, nous devenons des agents de changement vers un monde où la santé bucco-dentaire n'est pas un luxe, mais un droit fondamental. Je t’appuie ma chère collègue et amie , et un jour on va le faire ensemble! ️ Karla

2024-02-23 $300
Ashley Sheu

Good luck Jinhee!

2024-02-23 $100

Bonne Chance !

2024-02-22 $100

Félicitations pour ce projet et pour ton engagement de façon générale. Bonne chance!

2024-02-22 $50
Private donation*

Je t'encourage dans ce beau projet !!! Tu vas adorer l'expérience

2024-02-13 $100

You are an inspiration to so many and I’m beyond proud of you my sister.

2024-02-10 $500
Andree Joffroy

Thank you for doing this. Be safe and God bless

2024-02-08 $50
Josef Gebremichel
2024-02-05 $25
Anonym donation

Go go go Frei

2024-02-04 $150
Private donation*

I love this initiative and I'm happy that I can support in a small way. God bless you!

2024-02-04 $100

So proud of you!

2024-02-04 $50
Nega Gebreselasie
2024-02-03 $200
Jean-Pierre Khalil

Hakuna Matata!

2024-02-03 $25
Anonym donation

Have fun

2024-01-30 $50

Good job free

2024-01-23 $250
Freweini Gebreamlack
2024-01-17 $50
Private donation*

Bravo! C'est un belle cause!

2024-01-10 $50
Manon Barbe

Nous arrivons de la Tanzanie, il y a de grands besoins, soyons généreux!

2024-01-09 $100
Private donation*

As you know I always admire you for your achievements in life now you’re taking it to another level Go Sister!!!

2024-01-09 $100
Anonym donation
2024-01-08 $100
Private donation*
2024-01-07 $100
Ruta Eyob
2024-01-07 $100
Private donation*

I’m proud of you for less privilege kids thank you for everything you do for everyone

2024-01-06 $50
Private donation*
2024-01-04 $50
Jon c


2024-01-04 $75
Private donation*

Congratulations again!!

2024-01-04 $100
Michelle Simoneau

You got this ! I

2024-01-03 $100
Anonym donation

Amazing initiative, Free!

2024-01-02 $100

I am very proud of your new plan to help the world disadvantage people

2023-12-29 $50
Jade Shin

Bravo et bon courage ~

2023-12-29 $100
Therese Ho

You are doing an amazing thing, Fre! You rock, girl!!

2023-12-28 $100
Ewa Radecka
2023-12-28 $100
Monica Retezar

You go girl!!!

2023-12-20 $75
Private donation*
2023-12-20 $100
Anonym donation

Good for you Free! Good luck!

2023-12-20 $300
Meja Yang

Go Jinhee!! Next time, let’s do it together :)

2023-12-19 $100
Private donation*

Good luck

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Bravo Free!!! I’m proud of you.

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Proud of you for giving back to the community in need!

2023-12-17 $100
Anonym donation

Good job girl! I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

2023-12-17 $25
Anonym donation
2023-12-16 $200

So proud of my little sis!!
God bless you

2023-12-16 $200

Jinhee, live the advanture!!
Of course, our crazy Jinhee!

2023-11-24 $50
Private donation*

Bon voyage!

2023-11-19 $50
Pat et Michel
2023-11-17 $50

Bravo Jhinee je suis fier de toi.

2023-11-05 $250

La Fédération des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec encourage les initiatives qui favorisent l'accès aux soins bucco-dentaires. Félicitations Jin-Hee pour ce projet

2023-10-22 $50
Jaewon Jung

Thank you

2023-10-22 $50
Seung Won Ahn


2023-10-22 $50
Youngseop Oh


2023-10-22 $50
Tessa Liu
2023-10-13 $100

Merci de faire partie de notre grande équipe et pour ton implication pour cette cause.

2023-10-06 $200

Bravo Jin-Hee!

2023-10-01 $50


2023-10-01 $50


2023-09-30 $500
Inchurl et Seungwon

Go Jinnie! :) Spread God’s love in Tanzania!

2023-09-29 $50
2023-09-26 $25
Private donation*

Nous sommes un peu jaloux, mais tellement contents pour toi, chère Jin-Hee. Nous souhaitons que cette expérience soit enrichissante et merveilleuse pour toi, tant sur le plan humain que professionnel. Bravo à toi!

2023-09-24 $25
Clinique Hygiène Dentaire Beloeil

Bravo! Je t’encourage!

2023-09-24 $50

Je te souhaite une très belle expérience!

2023-09-24 $50

Maman, yes u can do it. I am so proud of u ️

2023-09-17 $200

Bonne Chance et Bravo pour ta générosité!

2023-09-15 $1,000
Centre Dentaire Pierre St-Marseille Inc

Félicitations Jinhee pour ton implication!
Je suis fier de toi !

2023-09-14 $25
Suzanne Bonenfant


2023-09-13 $200

Bravo et merci, Jin-Hee! Tu es une inspiration.

2023-09-13 $1,000
Private donation*

Félicitation pour ton dévouement

2023-09-12 $100

We are proud of you Jinnie!!!

2023-09-11 $100
Mad Cow Stan Gow

Amazing opportunity for all of us to support you and this very worthy cause!!!

2023-09-10 $100
Martine et Danic

Quel beau projet!!

2023-09-10 $250

Bravo! Je suis de tout coeur avec toi!

2023-09-09 $30

Bravo maman, bonne chance maman I support u ️

2023-09-09 $25
Kathy Nguyen

Great cause

2023-09-09 $200
Sandy lapointe

Good luck and congratulations on such a wonderful adventure

2023-09-09 $50
2023-09-09 $25
Private donation*