Freweini Gebreamlack


Chers amis et bienfaiteurs,
Nous lançons un appel à la générosité et à la solidarité en faveur d'un projet humanitaire qui vise à améliorer l'hygiène dentaire en Tanzanie. Dans ce pays, l'accès aux soins dentaires est limité, voire inexistant.
Je m'apprête à entreprendre une mission humanitaire dédiée à la santé dentaire et à la fourniture de traitements médicaux essentiels.
Cependant, pour concrétiser cette mission nous avons besoin de votre soutien financier. Chaque don contribuera à financer l'achat de fournitures dentaires, du treatment prévention et la formation du personnel local sur l’importance du santé bucco-dentaire.
Voici comment vous pouvez aider :
Faites un don en ligne sur notre site web https://jedonneenligne.org/terresansfrontieres/campagne/missions/participants/view/0c2cae53-9d2b-11ee-ac26-001dd8b75df7

Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour votre générosité et votre engagement envers cette noble cause.
Reçu d’impôt disponible
Avec gratitude,
Freweini Gebreamlak, Hygienist Dentaire


Dear friends and benefactors

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to share an incredible opportunity for you to make a lasting impact on the lives of those less fortunate. I am organizing a humanitarian trip to Tanzania with the primary goal of providing much-needed dental care services to the underprivileged communities.

Imagine the transformative power of a healthy smile – a simple yet profound change that can uplift spirits and open doors to better opportunities. Sadly, many in Tanzania lack access to even basic dental care. Our mission is to bridge this gap and bring smiles to faces that have endured hardships.

Your support can make a real difference. By contributing to our cause, you directly contribute to the well-being of individuals who may have never experienced the relief and confidence that comes with proper dental care. Your donation will fund essential services, including dental hygiene check-ups, preventive treatments, and education.

I am passionate about this cause, and I invite you to join me in making a positive impact. Your generosity will not only transform individual lives but also contribute to the overall health and prosperity of these communities. Every dollar counts, and your donation will be a vital step toward creating healthier, happier futures.

Please consider making a donation to support our humanitarian trip to Tanzania. Together, we can make a tangible difference and bring smiles to those who need it most.
Here how you can contribute


Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,

Freweini Gebreamlack ,Registered Dental hygienist

Récolté : 7 210 $
Objectif : 8 500 $


Chers amis et bienfaiteurs,
Nous lançons un appel à la générosité et à la solidarité en faveur d'un projet humanitaire qui vise à améliorer l'hygiène dentaire en Tanzanie. Dans ce pays, l'accès aux soins dentaires est limité, voire inexistant.
Je m'apprête à entreprendre une mission humanitaire dédiée à la santé dentaire et à la fourniture de traitements médicaux essentiels.
Cependant, pour concrétiser cette mission nous avons besoin de votre soutien financier. Chaque don contribuera à financer l'achat de fournitures dentaires, du treatment prévention et la formation du personnel local sur l’importance du santé bucco-dentaire.
Voici comment vous pouvez aider :
Faites un don en ligne sur notre site web https://jedonneenligne.org/terresansfrontieres/campagne/missions/participants/view/0c2cae53-9d2b-11ee-ac26-001dd8b75df7

Nous vous remercions chaleureusement pour votre générosité et votre engagement envers cette noble cause.
Reçu d’impôt disponible
Avec gratitude,
Freweini Gebreamlak, Hygienist Dentaire


Dear friends and benefactors

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to share an incredible opportunity for you to make a lasting impact on the lives of those less fortunate. I am organizing a humanitarian trip to Tanzania with the primary goal of providing much-needed dental care services to the underprivileged communities.

Imagine the transformative power of a healthy smile – a simple yet profound change that can uplift spirits and open doors to better opportunities. Sadly, many in Tanzania lack access to even basic dental care. Our mission is to bridge this gap and bring smiles to faces that have endured hardships.

Your support can make a real difference. By contributing to our cause, you directly contribute to the well-being of individuals who may have never experienced the relief and confidence that comes with proper dental care. Your donation will fund essential services, including dental hygiene check-ups, preventive treatments, and education.

I am passionate about this cause, and I invite you to join me in making a positive impact. Your generosity will not only transform individual lives but also contribute to the overall health and prosperity of these communities. Every dollar counts, and your donation will be a vital step toward creating healthier, happier futures.

Please consider making a donation to support our humanitarian trip to Tanzania. Together, we can make a tangible difference and bring smiles to those who need it most.
Here how you can contribute


Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards,

Freweini Gebreamlack ,Registered Dental hygienist

20-05-2024 60 $
Don privé*

Enjoy !!!!

20-05-2024 50 $
Neil Lalla

thank you!

20-05-2024 25 $
Kelly Belfo

proud of you!

16-05-2024 100 $
Don privé*

well done sister

16-05-2024 100 $
Gatineau family

C’est une initiative formidable! Bon courage!

16-05-2024 200 $
Dan Peres

Great initiative! Bravo !

13-05-2024 250 $
Tekeste Gebremariam
08-05-2024 750 $
Clinique dentaire sud ouest
06-05-2024 400 $
Go Orthodontistes

Have a safe trip and fulfill your mission!

05-05-2024 100 $
Marissa Valiante

So proud of you my friend. You never cease to amaze me with all your accomplishments.

04-05-2024 100 $

I'm proud of you free, God bless you.

03-05-2024 25 $

Bravo for taking action to help others.

03-05-2024 25 $
Don privé*

Bon succès Free!

02-05-2024 250 $
Michael Gebremariam
02-05-2024 150 $
Tehlehaimanot Gebrremariam
29-04-2024 300 $
Transforme Ortho

Transforme ortho wishes you luck on your trip Free! Your work is so inspiring…amazing initiative and cause!

20-04-2024 100 $
Theodros Fisseha Wolde

በጣም የሚበረታታ ነገር ነው። አንድ ቀን ደግሞ አገረሽን በሞያሽ የምትጎበኚበት ጊዜ ያድርስሽ።
Thank you for being an example for the rest of us.

10-04-2024 800 $
Don anonyme

Good luck

24-02-2024 50 $
Don anonyme

Good luck with everything

13-02-2024 100 $

You are an inspiration to so many and I’m beyond proud of you my sister.

10-02-2024 500 $
Andree Joffroy

Thank you for doing this. Be safe and God bless

08-02-2024 50 $
Josef Gebremichel
05-02-2024 25 $
Don anonyme

Go go go Frei

04-02-2024 150 $
Don privé*

I love this initiative and I'm happy that I can support in a small way. God bless you!

04-02-2024 100 $

So proud of you!

04-02-2024 50 $
Nega Gebreselasie
03-02-2024 200 $
Jean-Pierre Khalil

Hakuna Matata!

03-02-2024 25 $
Don anonyme

Have fun

30-01-2024 50 $

Good job free

23-01-2024 250 $
Freweini Gebreamlack
09-01-2024 100 $
Don privé*

As you know I always admire you for your achievements in life now you’re taking it to another level Go Sister!!!

09-01-2024 100 $
Don anonyme
08-01-2024 100 $
Don privé*
07-01-2024 100 $
Ruta Eyob
07-01-2024 100 $
Don privé*

I’m proud of you for less privilege kids thank you for everything you do for everyone

06-01-2024 50 $
Don privé*
04-01-2024 50 $
Jon c


04-01-2024 75 $
Don privé*

Congratulations again!!

04-01-2024 100 $
Michelle Simoneau

You got this ! I

03-01-2024 100 $
Don anonyme

Amazing initiative, Free!

02-01-2024 100 $

I am very proud of your new plan to help the world disadvantage people

29-12-2023 100 $
Therese Ho

You are doing an amazing thing, Fre! You rock, girl!!

28-12-2023 100 $
Ewa Radecka
28-12-2023 100 $
Monica Retezar

You go girl!!!

20-12-2023 75 $
Don privé*
20-12-2023 100 $
Don anonyme

Good for you Free! Good luck!

19-12-2023 100 $
Don privé*

Good luck

17-12-2023 100 $
Don anonyme

Bravo Free!!! I’m proud of you.

17-12-2023 100 $
Don anonyme

Proud of you for giving back to the community in need!

17-12-2023 100 $
Don anonyme

Good job girl! I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

17-12-2023 25 $
Don anonyme