MCH Pacemakers

Récolté : 2 995 $
Objectif : 2 500 $


Our team is ready to take on the 6H En Coeur challenge presented by Biscuits Leclerc and Valero Raffinerie Jean-Gaulin in support of the En Coeur Foundation!

Since we want to surpass our fundraising goals, we are also challenging you to support us with a donation! Your gesture will allow the En Coeur Foundation to pursue its mission, which is to be a true support for children with heart disease and their families.

Whatever the amount of your donation, it will help make a difference.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Récolté : 2 995 $
Objectif : 2 500 $
05-05-2024 50 $
Janet Lowry
05-05-2024 50 $
Christiane Turgeon
02-05-2024 75 $
Lise Sauvé


02-05-2024 20 $
Pat Marcil
02-05-2024 500 $
Services Médicaux Michel Saine Inc.
02-05-2024 600 $
Madeleine Rousseau
02-05-2024 20 $
Diane tremblay Schinck

Tu à un grand coeur ma belle

02-05-2024 50 $
Audrey-Anne Ethier

Bravo ma chère amie!

02-05-2024 100 $
Caroline Langis

Tu as toute mon admiration, bravo Claudia!

02-05-2024 200 $
Michele Zegray

Allez, allez
Go team go!

01-05-2024 50 $
Mimi et Gertrude

Bravo pour ton implication, cette année encore! Lâche pas on est avec toi belle humaine! Bisous xxx

01-05-2024 100 $
MC Nadeau

Go Claudia!

01-05-2024 300 $
Louise Rousseau

bravo ma belle Claudia

01-05-2024 50 $
Sylvain Ethier
01-05-2024 200 $
Nicolas Rousseau Saine
01-05-2024 20 $
MC Usereau

Bravo pour ton implication !

01-05-2024 350 $
Claudia Renaud
22-04-2024 30 $
Don privé*
21-04-2024 50 $
T O'Shea
19-04-2024 50 $
Michele Zegray
18-04-2024 50 $
Chris & Jane

Good luck with your run, Charlene!

18-04-2024 30 $
Nicola Hope

Way to go, Charlene!

18-04-2024 50 $
Charlene Richards
